Ham Agnostic? Alternative Porky Festive Rockstars

Ham Agnostic? Alternative Porky Festive Rockstars
Not a fan of ham for Christmas? Let us introduce you to it's big sister, pork!

We get it, not everyone can be as evangelistic about ham as us. It's ok if a big ol' leg of ham isn't your idea of a good time. We have plenty of other ideas for getting your festive meal on with a piece of quality, freedom-farmed happy pork.

Fill your belly with one of ours

Pork belly just screams special occasion and what better occasion than your Christmas meal (or just a random Tuesday, who are we to judge?!). A surprisingly versatile cut that loves to take on flavour, we all know what this guy does best: crackling!

The roast pork loin

If you're looking for elegance on your table, a classic, perfectly roasted pork loin will do the job nicely. When done well (and it's really not that tricky) you'll be rewarded with tender, juicy meat with a cosy duvet of crisp crackling. Expect lots of oohs and aahs as your dining companions marvel at your skill, smugly knowing it's you who will get to enjoy the leftovers - if there are any...

Wrap your pork in more pork

Why not elevate a standard cut of meat to make it extra special on the festive table? Grab pork tenderloin, and wrap it in bacon - a great trick to ensuring juicy meat every time. We think this bacon-wrapped pork tenderloin recipe from Bon Appetit would fit right in at our table

Work smarter, not harder

Christmas meals get a bad rep, with the host slaving over a hot stove (in a Kiwi summer!) to prepare a meal that ticks everyone's boxes. You don't need to serve the fanciest meal, a tasty favourite presented just-so can make anyone think you've been in the kitchen all day (definitely not just sitting in the pantry drinking a prosecco...). This pork tenderloin with cherries will definitely be at home on the christmas table, and presenting it pre-sliced and garnished family-style will have all mouths watering.

Throw tradition out the window

Most Christmas 'traditions' come from the Northern Hemisphere, who spend their day wrapped up warmly enjoying a mid-winter feast. If you've got a BBQ fanatic in the family, why not delegate the meal to them a big hunk of succulent pork, cooked low and slow.  

After something extra special?

If you're not in a rush, head to your local hero butcher and get chatting about the best cuts of meat. If you're after something a bit unusual or something that's harder to find in your usual shop, they can often organise it for you.